An Interactive Flight Simulator
Chaos Média is an exposition hosted by the Cégep Édouard Montpetit where the Multimedia students showcase their final projects. I participated in the 10th edition of Chaos Média in november 2019, presenting Lumivers, an interactive flight simulator letting the users explore fantastical worlds.
To move the spaceship, users needed to spin pedals under their seat. A joystick was used to control the ship’s orientation, and you could enter codes on a keypad to teleport in-between worlds. Our installation won the second place in the public vote during the event!

In my team, my main task was to work in the Unity game engine as a Game Designer and Programmer. I wrote all the C# scripts for the game logic, imported and connected the 3D models, the 2D elements and the music (integration). I was also in charge of creating a system to detect the pedals’s rotation, using an Arduino console.
Tatiana Titov did the art direction, making concept art and design documents establishing the game’s visuals, and created the 2D elements (project sign, game interface, tutorial and cutscene videos). Vincent Barriault was in charge of 3D modeling with Jacob Garneau, who also composed a soundtrack for each world. They assembled every model and placed the assets to create engaging worlds.
Lumivers was a wonderful learning experience that taught me how to work in a team for a project spanning multiple months, how to use the Scrum agile workflow and how to adapt to problems encountered along the way.